
林华珍,太阳集团tyc5997教授、博导,统计研究中心主任,美国华盛顿老员工物统计系博士后,四川大学博士。有多篇学术论文发表在《The Annals of  Statistics》、《Journal of the American Statistical Association》、《Journal of  Econometrics》、《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society:Series  B (Statistical Methodology)》、《Biometrika》《Biometrcs》等国际统计学和计量经济学顶级期刊上,先后六次主持国家自然科学基金项目。

林华珍教授是国际IMS-China、IBS-CHINA及ICSA-China委员,中国现场统计研究会数据科学与人工智能分会理事长,第九届全国工业统计学教学研究会副会长,中国现场统计研究会环境与资源分会、高维数据分析分会、生物医学统计学会、生存分析分会等多个分会的副理事长。先后是国际统计学期刊 《Biometrics》、《Journal  of Business & Economic Statistics》、《Scandinavian Journal  of Statistics》、《Canadian Journal of  Statistics》、《Statistics and Its Interface》、《Statistical Theory and Related Fields》Associate Editor,国内核心学术期刊《应用概率统计》、《系统科学与数学》、《数理统计与管理》编委。




2003年11月—2005年12月 博士后,华盛顿老员工物统计系,美国;

1996年09月—1999年12月 博士,华西医科大学公共卫生学院;

1989年09月—1992年07月 硕士,四川大学数学系;

1985年09月—1989年07月 学士,四川大学数学系。


2010年01月-至今 教授,博士生导师,太阳集团tyc5997;

2013年01月-至今 太阳成集团统计研究中心主任;

2006年01月-2009年12月 教授,四川大学数学学院;

2008年11月-2009年06月 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)访问学者;

2000年07月-2003年11月 副教授,四川大学数学学院;

1999年05月-2000年07月 讲师,四川大学数学学院;

1992年07月-1999年05月 讲师,成都科技大学应用数学系。











2008年5-6月, 访问英国Manchester大学数学系;


2007年5月-2007年6月, 访问加拿大滑铁卢大学统计与精算系;

2007年4月-2007年5月, 访问美国华盛顿老员工物统计系;


2006年5月-2006年7月, 访问香港大学统计与精算系;


2002年8月-2002年10月, 访问香港大学统计与精算系;




48. Huazhen Lin, Hyokyoung G. Hong, Baoying Yang, Wei Liu, Yong Zhang, Gang-Zhi Fan, Yi Li*.Nonparametric time-varying coefficient models for panel data: Study of collection rate of public pension contributions. Statistics in Biosciences. Accepted.  

47. Huazhen Lin, Jiakun Jiang, Binhuan Wang* and Paul S. F. Yip. A threshold varying-coefficient autoregressive model for analyzing the influence of media reports of suicide on the actual suicides.Statistica Sinica. Accepted.

46. Huazhen Lin*, Wei Liu and Wei Lan. Regression analysis with individual-specific patterns of missing covariates. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. Accepted.  


45. Huazhen Lin*, Baoying Yang, Ling Zhou, Paul S. F. YIP, Ying-Yeh Chen and Hua Liang. 2019,Global kernel estimator and test of varying-coefficient autoregressive model. Canadian Journal of Statistics.47.487-519.

44. Ling Zhou, Huazhen Lin*, Kani Chen and Hua Liang. Efficient estimation and computation of parameters and nonparametric functions in generalized semi/non-parametric regression models. Journal of Econometrics.213,593-607.

43. Haoqi Li, Huazhen Lin*, Paul S. F. Yip and Yuan Li. Estimating population size of heterogeneous populations with large data sets and a large number of parameters. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.139.34-44.

42. Xuerong Chen, Haoqi Li, Hua Liang and Huazhen Lin*(2019). Functional response regression analysis.Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 169. 218-233.                                    

41. Ling Zhou, Haoqi Li, Huazhen Lin and Peter X.-K. SONG* (2019). Evaluating functional covariate-environment interactions in the Cox regression model. Canadian Journal of Statistics. 47.204–221.      


40. Ling Zhou, Huazhen Lin* and Hua Liang (2018). Efficient estimation of the nonparametric mean and covariance functions for longitudinal and sparse functional data. Journal of the American Statistical Association,113, 1550-15

39. Shaogao Lv, Jiakun Jiang, Fanyin Zhou, Jian Huang and Huazhen Lin*(2018).Estimating High-Dimensional Additive Cox Model Withtime-Dependent Covariate Processes.Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 45, 900-922

38. Ye He,Huazhen Lin* and Dongsheng Tu (2018). A single-index threshold Cox proportional hazard model for identifying treatment-sensitive subset based on multiple biomarkers.Statistics in Medicine, 37,3267-3279.  

37. Huazhen Lin*, Fanyin Zhou, Qiuxia Wang, Ling Zhou and Jing Qin. Robust and efficient estimation for the treatment effect in causal inference and missing data problems.Journal of Econometrics,205,363-380.

36. Shaogao Lv, Mengying You,Huazhen Lin*, Heng Lian and Jian Huang (2018). On the sign consistency of the Lasso for the high-dimensional Cox model.Journal of Multivariate Analysis,167,79-96.      

35. Shaogao Lv,Huazhen Lin*, Heng Lian and Jian Huang (2018). Oracle Inequalities for Sparse Additive Quantile Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space.The Annals of Statistics, 46,781–813.      

34. Huazhen Lin*, Lixian Pan, Shaogao Lv and Wenyang Zhang (2018). Efficient Estimation and Computation for the Generalized Additive Models with Unknown Link Function.Journal of Econometrics,202, 230–244.    


33.Yunbei Ma, Yi Li,Huazhen Lin*and Yi Li (2017). Concordance measure-based feature screening and variable selection.Statistica Sinica, 27, 1967-1985.  

32. Huazhen Lin*, Ling Zhou and Binhuan Wang (2017). Generalized partial linear models with unknown link and unknown baseline functions for longitudinal data.Statistica Sinica, 27, 1281-1298.            


31. Huazhen Lin*, Zhe Fei and Yi Li (2016). A semiparametrically efficient estimator of the time-varying effects for survival data with time-dependent treatment.Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 43, 649-663.

30. He, K., Li, Y., Zhu, J., Liu, H., Lee, J., Amos, C., Hyslop, T., Jin, J.,Lin, H., Wei, Q. and Li, Y* (2016). Component-wise gradient boosting and false discovery control in survival analysis with high-dimensional covariates.Bioinformatics, 32, 50-57.  

29.蒋家坤,林华珍*,蒋靓and Paul S. F. YIP (2016).门槛回归模型中门槛值和回归参数的估计,《中国科学》,46,409-422.

28. Huazhen Lin*, Ming T. Tan and Yi Li (2016). A Semiparametrically Efficient Estimator of Single-index Varying Coefficient Cox Proportional Hazards Models.Statistica Sinica, 26, 779-807.                                      

27. Huazhen Lin*, Ye He and Jian Huang (2016). A global partial likelihood estimation in the additive Cox proportional hazards model,Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 169, 71-87.                                        

26. Ling Zhou,Huazhen Lin and Yi-Chen Lin* (2016). Education, Intelligence, and Well-Being: Evidence from a Semiparametric Latent Variable Transformation Model for Multiple Outcomes of Mixed Types.Social Indicators Research, 125, 1011-1033.                                    




24. Huazhen Lin, Ling Zhou and Xiao-Hua Zhou* (2014). Semiparametric regression analysis of longitudinal skewed data.Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41, 1031–1050.      

23. Ling Zhou,Huazhen Lin*, Xin-Yuan Song and Yi Li (2014). Selection of latent variables for multiple mixed-outcome models.Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41,1064-1082.  

22. Huazhen Lin*, Ling Zhou, Chunhong Li and Yi Li (2014). Semiparametric transformation models for semicompeting survival data.Biometrics, 70, 599-607.

21. Huazhen Lin*, Ling Zhou, Robert M. Elashof and Yi Li (2014). Semiparametric latent variable transformation models for multiple mixed outcomes.Statistica Sinica, 24 , 833-854.  

20. Huazhen Lin*, Yi Li, Liang Jiang and Gang Li(2014). A semiparametric linear transformation model to estimate causal effects for survival data.Canadian Journal of Statistics, 42, 18-35.        


19. Huazhen Lin* and Jianxin Pan (2013). Nonparametric estimation of mean and covariance structures for longitudinal data.Canadian Journal of Statistics, 41,557-574.            


17. Huazhen Lin*,Yi Li and Ming T. Tan (2013). Estimating a unitary effect summary based on combined survival and quantitative outcomes.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 66, 129-139.

16. Huazhen Lin and Heng Peng* (2013). Smoothed rank correlation of the linear transformation regression model.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 57, 615-630.        


15. Huazhen Lin, Xiao-hua Zhou* and Gang Li (2012). A Direct Semiparametric Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Regression with Unknown Link and Baseline Functions.Statistica Sinica, 22,1427-1456.  

14. Kani Chen,Huazhen Lin*and Yong Zhou (2012). Efficient estimation for the Cox model with varying coefficients.Biometrika, 2, 379-392.    


13. Huazhen Lin*, Paul S. F. Yip and Richard M. Huggins (2011). A Nonparametric Estimation of the Infection Curve.Science China, 54, 1815-1828.    

12. Huazhen Lin, Ling Zhou, Heng Peng and Xiao-Hua Zhou* (2011). Selection and combination of biomarkers using ROC method for disease classification and prediction.Canadian Journalof Statistics,39, 324-343.  


11.Huazhen Lin and Peter X.-K. Song* (2010). Longitudinal Semiparametric Transition Models with Unknown Link and Variance Functions,Statistics and Its Interface, 3, 197-209.    

10. HuazhenLin, Danping Liu and Xiao-Hua Zhou* (2010). A correlated random effects model for longitudinal data with nonignorable missingness,Statistics in Medicine, 29, 236-247.  


9.Huazhen Lin and Zhou, X. H.*, 2009. A semi-parametric two-part mixed-effects heteroscedastic transformation model for correlated right-skewed semi-continuous data.Biostatistics, 10, 640-658.  

8. Zhou, X. H.*,Huazhen Lin and Johnson, E., 2009. Nonparametric heteroscedastic transformation regression models for skewed data with an application to health care costs.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 70, pp. 1029-1047.  

7.Huazhen Lin, Paul S.F.YIP* and Feng Chen, 2009. Estimating the Population Size for a Multiple List Problem with an Open Population,Statistica Sinica, 19, 177-196.            


6. Zhou, X. H.* and Huazhen Lin,2008. Semi-parametric maximum likelihood estimates for ROC curves of continuous-scale tests.Statistics in Medicine, 10, 5271-5290.              

5. Huazhen Lin, Paul S.F.YIP* and Richard M. Huggins, 2008. A Double-nonparametric Procedure for Estimating the Number of Delay-reported Cases.Statistics in Medicine, 27, 3325-3339.  


4. Huazhen Lin, Peter X.-K. SONG* and Qian M. Zhou, 2007. Varying-coefficient generalised linear models for longitudinal data.Sankhya, 69, 582-615.    


3. Zhou, X. H.*, Qin, G.,HuazhenLinand Li, G., 2006. Inferences in Censored Cost Regression Models with Empirical Likelihood.Statistica Sinica, 16, 1213-1232.                        

2. Jianqing Fan,Huazhen Lin and Yong Zhou*, 2006. Local partial-likelihood estimation for life time data. The Annals of Statistics, 34, 290-325.                            


1. Paul S.F.Yip*,Huazhen Lin and Liqun Xi, 2005. A Semiparametric Method for Estimating Population Size for Capture-Recapture Experiments with Random Covariates in Continuous Time.Biometrics, 61, 1085-1092.



国内主持人: 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金延续资助项目:“超高维影像数据的特征、结构学习以及统计推断”(主持人 Yi Li),项目编号:11829101,执行期限:2019年01月-2022年12月。


国内主持人: 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金: “复杂结构的超高维生物医学数据的统计建模方法”(主持人 Yi Li),项目编号:11528102,执行期限:2016年01月-2017年12月。




教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划, 2011年1月-2013年12月。










1996年—1998年国家自然科学基金项目“删失数据回归分析的若干问题” 。已完成。


《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》Associate Editor2014,01-至今)

《Biometrics》Associate Editor(2014,07-2016.06);

《Journal of Business & Economic Statistics》Associate  Editor(2019,08-至今);

《Canadian Journal of Statistics》Associate Editor(2019,01-至今);

《Statistics and Its Interface》Associate Editor(2015,08-2019,01);                    

《Statistical Theory and Related Fields》Associate Editor(2017-至今);




下列杂志的审稿人:Journal of the American Statistical Association; Biometrics;   Statistics in Medicine; Scandinavian Journal of Statistics; Statistica  Sinica; Communications in Statistics; Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation; Economics Journal; Journal of Applied Probablity and  Statistics; Lifetime Data Analysis; Annals of the Institute of   Statistical Mathematics; Statistics and Probability Letters; Computational Statistics And Data Analysis; The American Statistician; Statistics And Interface;中国科学;数学学报;系统科学与数学;应用数学学报;四川大学学报;数理统计与管理;数学研究与评论。