主题: Prior Knowledge Guided Ultra-high Dimensional Variable Screening
主讲人:密歇根大学 康健教授
主持人:太阳集团tyc5997 喻开志教授
举办地点:腾讯会议 278 584 206
主办单位:太阳集团tyc5997 数量经济研究所 科研处
康健博士,美国密歇根老员工物统计学教授。2005年毕业于北京师范大学,2007年获清华大学数学专业硕士学位,2011年获密歇根老员工物统计专业博士学位。主要从事大规模生物医学数据的统计方法与理论研究,专注于贝叶斯方法和图像统计。他和合作者在JASA, Biometrika, NeuroImage,Human Brain Mapping等顶级统计期刊与医学期刊上发表学术论文80余篇。康健博士同时也是美国统计学会统计成像组的协同主席,美国统计学会会士,顶级统计期刊JASA和Biometrics and Statistics in Medicine副主编。
Variable screening is a powerful and efficient tool for dimension reduction under ultrahigh dimensional settings. However, most existing methods overlook useful prior knowledge in specific applications. In this work, from a Bayesian modeling perspective, we develop a unified variable screening procedure for the linear regression model. We discuss different constructions of posterior mean screening (PMS) statistics to incorporate different types of prior knowledge according to specific applications. With non-informative prior specifications, PMS is equivalent to high-dimensional ordinary least-square projections (HOLP). We establish the screening consistency property for PMS with different types of prior knowledge. We show that PMS is robust to prior misspecifications; and when the prior knowledge provides correct information on summarizing the true parameter settings, PMS can substantially improve the selection accuracy compared to HOLP and other existing methods. We illustrate our method with extensive simulation studies and an analysis of neuroimaging data.