

主讲人:清华大学质量与可靠性研究院 李彦夫教授

主持人:太阳集团tyc5997 肖辉教授

时间:20201218日(周五) 13:30-14:30

直播平台及会议ID:腾讯会议 484 762 890

主办单位:太阳集团tyc5997 科研处


李彦夫,清华大学工业工程系教授,清华大学质量与可靠性研究院副经理。2011-2016年任教于法国巴黎中央理工与高等电力学院。长期致力于可靠性建模、评价与优化方法的研究,以及将其应用于高铁、核电、电力等工业系统,取得了一系列原创性成果。代表性论文发表在《IEEE Transactions》系列、《IISE Transactions》、《INFORMS Journal on Computing》(UTD24之一)、《ACM Transactions》、《International Conference on Software Engineering》(软件工程顶会)等著名期刊与国际会议。发表论文总数超100,WOS数据库总被引用次数超1千,H-index 23,入选Elsevier 2019年中国高被引学者榜单。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、科技部国家重点研发计划课题、北京市自然科学基金等多个纵向项目,制定轨道交通国家标准1项。承担了华为、商飞、中广核、三菱重工、南方电网、西安铁路局、阿尔斯通公司、法国电力公司等企业委托项目,项目总经费超千万元人民币,多项成果在企业得到应用,获得了较为明显的经济效益。获得IEEE与IISE高级会员(Senior Member),法国研究指导资格 (Habilitation à diriger des Recherches),法国大学正教授资格(Qualification aux fonctions de professeurs des universités)等资格。担任可靠性旗舰期刊《IEEE Transactions on Reliability》副主编、IEEE Reliability Society管理委员会委员、中国系统工程学会系统可靠性专委会副主任委员、多个国际会议联合主席、国家自然基金评审专家、荷兰研究理事会Dutch Research Council (NWO)评审专家。



In this fast changing world, reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) are becoming the fundamental attributes for the evaluation of any modern technological system’s capabilities to sustain its normal operation under the threads of random failures or malicious attacks. The demands from various industry sectors for the quantification of system RAMS date back to the early 20th century and steadily grow till our times. Furthermore, the search for optimal system design, operation, maintenance, protection and recovery strategies, which minimize expense and maintain RAMS at optimal levels, has become an increasingly relevant task since the 1960s. These tendencies render the system RAMS optimization an important topic in academic research and a necessary task in industrial applications. Consequently, a number of models and methods have been developed. Yet, new challenges emerge from the latest technological systems, such as high-speed railway and nuclear power plants, mainly characterized by the complex and possibly intelligent behaviors of the components and the uncertain and dynamic operation conditions. This presentation will deliver some key research results in the direction of a famous reliability optimization problem: redundancy allocation problem (RAP), made by the Reliability & Risk Management Laboratory (RRML) at Institute for Quality and Reliability in Tsinghua University.